Bag for my new gadget :)

I've had my car for two and a half years. Which means I've been driving for two and a half years. But I always get lost :D (my best friend can attest to that) So, I bought something that hopefully will help me find my way :)

I bought a GPS.

The first time I used it, I got lost..haha.. Actually, I already know the way, but I wanted to test it out, so I depended on it. It showed me the right way, but a different way. Never mind, it was okay in the end.

For me, a new gadget needs case. The GPS comes with a case, but it was a bit too tight So I made my own case. 

Dark blue with white floral details and
pink label on the side :)

Well, not so perfect. The round egdes are a bit uneven, which can be forgiven by its cuteness. I layered it with flannel, in my bid to make it thicker. I should've put two layers of flannel..but it's okay. It's good enough.

Fits the GPS screen and car charger :)

Love it :)